Despite being the experts in the field of health and nutrition, niwi had a growing concern which was getting the right messaging across to their target audience via the website.
They had difficulty finding the right balance between usability and experience for their users.
Good design is obvious, great design is transparent.
If the solution was merely a business challenge, then any agency could have done it, but the problem was complex and they knew they had to dive deeper.
To begin with, user personas were created for Niwi’s target audience. We talked to people in the health and fitness space to understand the exact point that compels the user to bounce off. This was done through heatmaps and usability testing.
The insights gained from talking to these users gave us a roadmap to further analyze the data and draw assumptions for UX mapping and understand customer motivations, hesitations, needs, and concerns.
There was only one way out - Niwi had to elevate its user experience and focus on aligning the communication across all verticals if it had to see any positive outcomes.
This encouraged us to build an immersive, intuitive, and interactive website that would help retain their users and fix this issue in the long run.
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